Holistic health Coaching

Reconnect with your Body & intuition 

 In a world where we’re overwhelmed with information and constant distractions, most of us are entirely disconnected from our intuition and the innate wisdom we all have. We’re seeking answers and guidance from external sources and forgot that WE are the experts of our own health & healing.

It’s time to take back our power and look within to create the abundance of health, vitality, deep connection, and joy we can all experience. 

My goal is to help you reconnect to yourself and tap into your inner knowing — empowering you to transform your health holistically and FEEL your best.

Do you want to create more balance, freedom, and joy in your life? I’d love to connect!


I’m Anna!

I’m a Certified Holistic Health Coach, dancer, and dance teacher with a passion and curiosity about all things health, wellness, and movement. Having tried so many things on my own wellness journey over the last 20 years, I’ve learned how interconnected our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are. The key to experiencing the health and vitality we desire lies in addressing — and realigning across — all those dimensions, taking into account the whole person. When we’re aligned and connected to our body & intuition, we can become our own healer. 

I’m honored to bring together my education and own experience in this field, the toolbox I’ve developed, and the lessons I’ve learned to guide YOU on your health & wellness journey and help you find back home to yourself!

My Services

1 : 1 Holistic Health Coaching

My 3-months signature program RADIANT YOU is designed to help you create more balance, vitality, and joy in your life by creating simple, yet powerful daily habits & rituals that work for YOU and help you achieve your unique goals. 

You’ll release what’s no longer serving you, reconnect with your body & intuition, create a life(style) you LOVE, and step into your most RADIANT self!

Wellness Workshops

My customized private group and corporate Wellness Workshops provide insights into the foundations of Holistic Health and Somatic Work — helping participants understand the connection between physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Workshops also include guided self-discovery exercises, such as Wellness Vision development, health & wellness goal setting, and Somatic Release Practices.


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Sign up below to get instant access to my Holistic Health Masterclass where you’ll learn powerful mindset & somatic practices to create more balance, vitality, and joy in your life!

Ready to accelerate your healing & growth journey and FEEL your BEST?

Anna Bolender 

Holistic Health Coach

Helping you create more balance, vitality, and joy in your life through simple daily habits & rituals.

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