About me

Great to meet you!

I’m Anna, a Certified Holistic Health Coach, dancer, and dance teacher with a passion and curiosity about all things health, wellness, and movement. Throughout my own health and healing journey over the last 20 years, I’ve tried many different things and learned how deeply interconnected our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health are. 

I believe that rather than just putting bandaids on our health issues — from physical symptoms to anxiety, stress, and fatigue — we need to understand and address the root causes. To do that, we have to embark on a journey of reconnecting with ourselves and relearning how to listen to our own body and intuition. That’s where all the answers are.

My mission is to guide you on this path towards your dream wellness vision. How? Combining both mindset and somatic practices, I help you build a foundation of simple, sustainable, and powerful daily habits and rituals that work for YOU and lead you to your desired health outcomes! 

A bit more about me: I was born and raised in Germany, where my love for movement and dance started with Rhythmic Gymnastics when I was seven years old. Being in the competition world as a gymnast led me to learn about nutrition, exercise, and training for optimal performance early on. However, as much as it helped me develop many positive attributes and skills, I also adopted a lot of restrictive and toxic patterns around eating and exercise during that time. For years, I followed all the advice and tips out there to be “healthy” and fit, and did everything I was supposed to do — but deep inside, I didn’t actually FEEL good. 

When I moved to San Francisco, I started taking various dance and fitness classes for fun — and even became a certified cardio dance teacher! I went on a path of uncovering and healing my relationship with food and what exercise meant to me, finding more balance in my life, nurturing my mental and emotional health, and overcoming limiting beliefs I’ve held since childhood — an ongoing process I continue to embrace and commit to.

For eight years, I’ve worked in the corporate world in PR and communications while pursuing my various passion projects around health & movement on the side. Feeling unfulfilled in my PR career, I decided to take the leap into the wellness world full-time and go after the mission I’ve always felt called to deep down: sharing my experience, wellness practices, and tools I’ve developed to empower others in reconnecting to themselves through both mindfulness and movement — transforming their health & well-being holistically.

Ready to step into YOUR unique power & FEEL your best? I’d love to hear from you and see how I could support you on your journey!

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Ready to accelerate your healing & growth journey and FEEL your BEST?

Anna Bolender 

Holistic Health Coach

Helping you create more balance, vitality, and joy in your life through simple daily habits & rituals.

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